Microwave and RF Design free CAD tools

If you are not wealthy enough to buy the extravagantly priced CAD tools for RF and Microwave design then there are a few public domain freeware tools available on the web. You will have to register and then a download can be done. They are fairly user friendly and simple to use. The first of these tools is GNUPLOT( gnuplot.info) . A really nice plotting program which allows various types of plots to be made. It allows mathematical expressions to be evaluated and plotted. Then there is APPCAD(www.avagotech.com/appcad). This is a very nice tool that is available from ACAGO. It is great for microwave and RF design with a multitude of features dear to an RF/microwave design engineer’s heart. Finally I must mention the TXLINE tool from National Instruments( formerly AWR).It has a large number of features dealing with transmission lines and materials. It is available from http://www.awrcorp.com/products/optional-products/tx-line-transmission-line-calculator. Finally there are a large number of javascripts available on the Signal Processing Group Inc.’s website under the “complementary” menu item. These are small scripts that allow one to calculate a large number quantities such as reflection coefficients, transmission line parameters etc. If you are interested in impedance matching then you can get the VSWR and Impedance matching book from Signal Processing Group’s “products for sale” section. The price is minimal compared to the information contained in the 122 pages or so. 

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