RF Power Amplifiers: Noise Power Ratio, NPR

Noise power ratio or NPR is a measure for a RF power amplifier ( among other analog circuits) that is usually used in the case of multicarrier power transmission using RFPAs. In order to understand NPR, it is instructive to basically describe how it is measured. First a white noise source is used and its output is passed through a band pass filter in the frequency band of interest. This represents multiple carriers with random amplitudes and phases. Then the resulting filtered signal is passed through a narrow, steep notch filter which is tuned to the frequencies of interest at the current measurement. First the output of this filter is passed through the DUT ( device under test) and the noise power is measured in the notch by using a narrow band receiver. Then the notch filter is bypassed and the noise power is again measured in the frequencies where the notch is using the narrow band receiver. The ratio of the two readings in dB is the NPR.

SPG designs, develops and delivers custom analog and RF/wireless asics and modules.

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